Botox is made from the bacteria that causes botulism. Botulinum toxin blocks nerve activity in the muscles, causing a temporary reduction in muscle activity.
Botox is used to treat cervical dystonia (severe spasms in the neck muscles), or severe underarm sweating (hyperhidrosis).
Botox is also used to treat certain eye muscle conditions caused by nerve disorders. This includes uncontrolled blinking or spasm of the eyelids, and a condition in which the eyes do not point in the same direction.
Botox is also used to temporarily lessen the appearance of facial wrinkles.
Botox may also be used for purposes other than those listed here.
産みの話や須佐之男命(スサノオノミコト)の八岐大蛇(ヤマタノオロチ)の話が出てきます。 円谷英二の特撮がいいです。 主役は三船敏郎。若いです。その他にも宝田明、東野英治郎、田中絹代、司葉子、平田昭彦、藤木悠、水野久美、杉村春子、志村喬、鶴田浩二、原節子、乙羽信子、左卜全、三木のり平といった私には年取った姿しか知らない人や、名前しか知らなかった大物俳優がずらりです。東宝1000本目の記念作品だそうです。...
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